What is the fastest way to raise broilers

broiler poultry farms,how to raising chickens

1.Choose a good chicken breed

Raising broilers breeds with good quality and strong adaptability should be selected.

broiler farm

2.Prepare for brooding

  • Time selection. Most of the general brooding work is carried out in spring. Because the temperature in spring is moderate, it is suitable for the growth and development of chicks, and the survival rate of chicks is higher and the growth rate is faster.
  • Pay attention to the hygiene of the chicken coop. Carefully check and repair the feed troughs, drinking troughs, chicken coops, insulation equipment, etc. commonly used by brooding chickens, clean the internal and external environment of the chicken coop, and prepare common medicines and vaccines for raising broilers.
  • Disinfection treatment. If the broilers are raised on the ground, 30 cm thick sawdust or straw can be laid on the ground to facilitate heat preservation and reduce the occurrence of pullorum. Three days before the chicks enter the poultry house, the chicken house should be heated and preheated to keep the temperature in the house at about 33°C and the humidity at about 65%.

broiler equipment

3.Do a good job in chick feeding and management

  • Timely drinking water and feeding.
  • Feeding management.
  • Temperature adjustment. Whether the temperature in the chicken house is suitable is the key to the success of chick breeding. The chicks that have just hatched have poor temperature regulation ability, so the temperature in the chicken house should be kept at about 33°C. After that, every 3 days, lower 0.5°C until the temperature drops to the same level as the outside temperature. To determine whether the temperature in the house is appropriate, in addition to observing with a thermometer, you should also observe the active expression of the chicks. If the temperature is right, the chicks will be lively, have a good appetite, be evenly distributed, drink properly, and will not huddle together, scream, and be quiet when sleeping.

battery cage

  • Ventilation. The metabolism of the chicks is strong, and the amount of defecation is large every day. After the feces are decomposed by microorganisms, a large amount of toxic gas will be produced, which will seriously affect the normal growth of chicks. Therefore, it is necessary to open the window of the chicken house at any time for ventilation to discharge toxic gases and carbon dioxide, increase the amount of oxygen in the house, and meet the needs of healthy growth and development of raising broilers.
  • Light management. Improve the drinking and foraging ability of chicks, and accelerate their growth and development.
  • Density adjustment.
  • Epidemic prevention and disinfection. All kinds of chicken utensils and chicken coops should be cleaned and disinfected regularly. Vaccination is carried out according to the plan to improve the disease resistance of chicks.

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  1. admin

    January 13, 2023 at 2:17 am

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