How to deal with abnormal climate in chicken cage

The climate in early spring is cold and changeable, and the impact on laying hens is very obvious. It is also necessary to strengthen the management of the chicken cage to keep warm and increase the energy of the feed. Specifically, grasp the following three points:

1. Warmth, ventilation, and dehumidification

Although it has entered the spring, the temperature difference between morning and evening is large. The thermal performance of the chicken cage should be closed doors and windows, and hanging curtains.
Of course, ventilation should be done while keeping warm. If there is no ventilation, the exhaust gas from the chickens. The ammonia, carbon dioxide and other harmful gases produced by the chicken manure will accumulate in the chicken house. which may easily cause respiratory diseases and other diseases.
when raising chickens in early spring, it is necessary to deal with the relationship, ventilation, and warmth. Choosing open windows when the temperature is high at noon.
At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the sanitation and cleaning in the chicken cage. Remove the feces and sundries in the chicken house in time, and reduce the accumulation of harmful gases.
When the weather is cold, due to the small ventilation, the evaporation of water is reduced. The hot air in the house will condense into a large number of water droplets. when it contacts the cold roof and walls, resulting in excessive humidity in the house. Reproduction creates the conditions.
Management must be strengthened in early spring to keep the environment in the chicken house clean and dry at the same time. The use of heating equipment can be appropriately increased, combined with ventilation to reduce the humidity in the chicken cage.
chicken farm

chicken farm


2. Balanced nutrition, enhance physical fitness

 In early spring, the climate is still cold, and laying hens need a lot of heat energy to keep warm, which is about 10% more than in other seasons.
 It is necessary to increase the proportion of energy feed in the feed for chickens. appropriately increase the protein content, and at the same time appropriately increase the high-energy feed containing more sugars, to meet the physiological and production needs of chickens.
 Because the resistance of chickens is weak in this period, prevents the occurrence of diseases. Some preventive drugs can be fed regularly and targeted. according to the actual situation, some vitamins should add appropriately to enhance the physique of chickens.
layer chicken cage

layer chicken cage

3. Disinfection and epidemic prevention

 Disinfection is an extremely important job in the entire chicken raising process. Purpose is to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms and prevent the chicken diseases.
 In early spring, the temperature is low, and the resistance of chickens is generally weak. Although the activity frequency of bacteria in the low-temperature environment is reduced, easy to cause disease outbreaks. Therefore, disinfection work must not be ignored during this period to avoid serious losses.
 chicken farms should do a good job of epidemic prevention in advance, and vaccinate. According to the actual situation to reduce the occurrence of unnecessary diseases.
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