How to distinguish the form of poultry diarrhea?

During the rearing of chickens, it is important to observe the color and form of poultry droppings as it reflects the health of the chickens, the following are the different forms of poultry droppings (the above items are not 100% accurate).

broiler farms

1. Healthy feces:

It is usually brown and looks like a soft semi-solid mixture. There is a white cap on top, which is urate deposits.

broiler raising system

2.Green diarrhea:

This may be due to the green color of the feed it consumes, or it may be a sign of Mark’s disease, avian cholera, Newcastle disease, or liver disease.

chicken farm

3.Yellow diarrhea:

This could be because it consumes feed that is yellow in color or it could be a sign of disease in the chicken’s liver or gallbladder.

4.Black diarrhea:

Excessive consumption of black or purple feed can lead to black feces in chickens, or it can be a sign of internal bleeding in early parts of the digestive system due to disease or poor quality feed.

5.Orange diarrhea:

Orange feces may be caused by shedding of the inner lining of the intestinal wall or a sudden change in diet.

6.Red diarrhea:

This is a sign of intestinal disease, especially coccidiosis.

7.White diarrhea:

Watery white diarrhea may be a sign of Gambellosis or Salmonella (white diarrhea).

8.Clear diarrhea:

Clear, watery stools may be caused by drinking too much water or kidney disease.

9.Chocolate diarrhea:

Chocolate-colored diarrhea may be a sign of intestinal disease or due to poor food quality. Of course, this type of feces should not be confused with appendix feces, which is normal

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