Chicken farm manure, the unpleasant smell simply makes people vomit, especially chicken excrement got all over the floor, many novice chicken farmers do not know how to deal with. Here are five ways to learn how to clean the chicken coop.
Importance of disinfection
The reason why chicken farms are disinfected, besides solving the odor of chicken manure, is mainly to kill pathogenic bacteria in the chicken farms, thus avoiding chicken plague.
In addition, the purpose of cleaning and disinfecting chicken farms regularly is to reduce the pathogenic bacteria in the water, thus reducing the problems such as intestinal infections in chickens, which can be transmitted to people.
There are a lot of dust particles in the chicken farm, and these dusts have a lot of bacteria on them, which will be brought into the respiratory tract by the activities of the chickens due to their overpopulation, thus inducing the chickens to develop respiratory infections.
So, what are the ways to treat chicken farm manure efficiently?

raising chickens
Disinfection methods
1.Spray treatment
chicken farmers should know that disinfection is a necessary step in the disinfection of chicken farms, which requires a reasonable proportion of disinfectant solution, after which it can be sprayed on the walls and floors that need to be disinfected.
2.Fumigation treatment
it should be noted that this method needs to be carried out in an airtight environment.
3.High-temperature treatment
we all know that high-temperature disinfection is a very reasonable way to disinfect chicken farms, generally by means of high-temperature disinfection.

floor raising system
4.Exposure method
similar to the principle of high-temperature disinfection. It also kills pathogens through high temperature, but the process of exposure to sunlight, in addition to high temperature scorching, also makes full use of ultraviolet disinfection.
5.Physical Cleaning
this is also a common way for chicken farmers, mainly to continue to clean all the facilities and equipment in the chicken farm, of course, we should note that the water used here should be non-polluting water, after cleaning the entire chicken coop for ventilation, and so dry after the chickens into the chicken farm.

chicken battery cage
The grasp of disinfection time
After describing the above five methods, there are also many precautions for individual methods. The first thing to note is that when a chicken farm with a relatively small scale needs to be disinfected with chickens, the time needs to be reasonably controlled, and the temperature is high in summer. Once a day, or once every two days, and once every three days in winter.
If there are sick chickens in the chicken farm at this time, these chickens must be isolated and treated, and other chickens should be disinfected every day to reduce the spread and spread of pathogens.
In the last treatment method, we must disinfect the waterline every half a month to ensure that the content of pathogens in the waterline is small, so as to avoid chicken infection.
Since chicken farmers have chosen to breed, they must clearly grasp the time and method of disinfection, must learn more about multi-processing, clean manure frequently, clean more, and actively improve the environment of the chicken farm.

modern chicken house