How to mix feed for laying hens in spring?

Laying hens consume more nutrients during the peak egg production period, and farmers need to supplement the chickens in time to ensure the nutritional needs of laying hens. Therefore, the following principles should be followed when adjusting the feed of laying hens:

1.Reduce energy feed.

As the temperature rises in spring, if you continue to feed high-energy feeds from the overwintering period, you will increase the weight of the hens, which will affect the egg production rate. The scientific approach is to reduce the proportion of cereal-based feeds such as corn in the diet.

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2.Increase the protein level.

Laying hens consume more protein during the egg-laying period and its consumption is related to the egg production rate of the hens, so the protein ingredients in the feed should be increased according to the increase of the egg production rate of the layer chickens. The method is to add high quality fish meal, soybean cake, etc. to the diet and add as little miscellaneous meal as the cost allows.

3.Vitamin supplementation.

Especially vitamin D. When the diet is deficient for a long time, the egg production of hens decreases, the eggshells become soft and thin, and the absorption of calcium is also seriously affected. When chickens lay more eggs their vitamin consumption also increases, so feed laying hens some green feed appropriately and increase the amount of multivitamins in the feed at the same time.

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4.Increase the mineral content.

If calcium is lacking in the feed, the quality of eggshells will be affected, thus increasing the number of broken eggs and seriously causing the chickens to lay soft-shelled eggs and eggs without shells. Phosphorus deficiency, like calcium deficiency, can also cause discomfort in laying hens, such as feather pecking, anal pecking, egg pecking and other xenophagia. Therefore, once you find that the hen has poor digestion, loss of appetite and weight loss, you should find out the cause and increase the content of mineral additives in the diet accordingly.

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